專業(yè)英文名: Philosophy MLitt
學 制:1.00 年
學 費:人文社會科學
領(lǐng) 域:人文社會科學
英國鄧迪大學哲學法學碩士哲學法學碩士,提供了一個為期一年的,對研究哲學方法的理解創(chuàng)造力的本質(zhì),在當前的社會和文化背景中它的重要性。英國鄧迪大學哲學法學碩士哲學法學碩士主要集中在歐洲大陸哲學的學習,特別強調(diào),例如,德勒茲、福柯、海德格爾、伽達默爾,尼采,里克爾和薩特的學習。哲學法學碩士的研究的主題包括:想象力,懶惰和休閑,圖像,現(xiàn)象學的想象力,藝術(shù)的起源和無意識。 This programme provides a year-long study on philosophical approaches to understanding the nature of creativity and its significance within recent social and cultural contexts. It mainly focuses on Continental philosophy, with particular emphasis, for example, on Deleuze, Foucault, Gadamer, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Ricoeur and Sartre. Topics of study include faculties of imagination, idleness and leisure, the image, phenomenology of the imagination, the origin of art, play, and the unconscious.
英國鄧迪大學哲學法學碩士課程入學要求: 英語;哲學相關(guān)專業(yè)大學畢業(yè),平均分985、211院校平均分不低于82,其他院校平均分不低于85 語言要求:雅思不低于7.0 A Bachelor's degree with a score of 82% or 3.3 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1 while a score of 77% or 2.9 is considered
英國鄧迪大學哲學法學碩士課程設(shè)置: 哲學的想象力,經(jīng)濟的創(chuàng)造力,自主學習。 Philosophies of Imagination Economies of Creativity Self-Directed Study
英國鄧迪大學哲學法學碩士就業(yè)方向: 通過在英國鄧迪大學哲學法學碩士課程的學習,畢業(yè)生將在他們希望追求事業(yè)等領(lǐng)域的教學、創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)、新聞、媒體、政治風險管理方面工作。 Graduates will therefore benefit should they wish to pursue careers in such fields as teaching, creative industries, journalism, media, politics, risk management.
鄧迪大學 哲學法學碩士