羅切斯特大學(University of Rochester)PhD in Chemistry是羅切斯特大學(University of Rochester)Department of Chemistry, School of Arts&Sciences開設的專業(yè)。指南者留學整理收集2020年羅切斯特大學(University of Rochester)PhD in Chemistry申請截止時間、2020年羅切斯特大學(University of Rochester)PhD in Chemistry語言成績要求、2020年羅切斯特大學(University of Rochester)PhD in Chemistry申請材料要求供大家參考。
羅切斯特大學(University of Rochester)PhD in Chemistry申請截止時間
羅切斯特大學(University of Rochester)PhD in Chemistry語言成績要求
There is no minimum score requirement to apply. However, to be competitive, a TOEFL score of 100 or higher is necessary.
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is required of all applicants whose native language is not English.
Our department does not publish minimum score requirements for the GRE exam. Test scores are reviewed in conjunction with other application materials when making admissions decisions.
羅切斯特大學(University of Rochester)PhD in Chemistry申請材料要求
No application fee is required
While completing the online application, you will be asked to provide the names and contact information for the three (3) persons that you are asking to recommend you for graduate school. These individuals will receive an email directly from the application system with a link and instructions on how to upload their letter of recommendation.
Electronic copies of either unofficial or official transcripts are accepted as part of the online application system. It is not necessary to have official copies sent to the department